Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String
You know that “…raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…” song? Even if you’re not a diehard fan of The Sound of Music (are there any folks with that kind of commitment to this WWII era song and dance movie?), chances are you’ve had this jingle in your head once or twice. I caught an ear of it the other day and not only was I twirling around the house as if I were in fields of Alpine wildflowers, but I got to thinking about a few of MY favorite things. Because while brown paper packages are nice and all, not sure they’d make my list.
Some of my favorites render me nostalgic when I think of how and where I acquired them; things we’ve picked up here and there on our travels. I used to think of myself as an anti-souvenir-ite (wink wink Seinfeld fans). Now though, I just tend to stray from the cheap, made in China junk, but enjoy finding more unique items that make my heart sing when I see them. Managing to collect a thing or two, or three, we’ve got some mementos proudly displayed around our tiny home base. In the words of the vocally talented Maria von Trapp, “These are a few of my favorite [travel] things…”

Well shoot, now I’m just going to have to pop in the DVD. Let’s do this, Maria! I know all the words… 😉
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